Dancing Grouse Photography – 4 hour session ideal for great viewing and photos ♿

Saskatoon Custom Bird Tours

Email: birdtours [at] sasktel.net
Phone: 306 [then] 652 [then] 5975


Tours available in late April and early May (up to May 11).

Select your morning to photograph dancing Sharp-tailed Grouse

Our grouse photography and viewing tours will provide you with excellent opportunities to obtain images of dancing Sharp-tailed Grouse using only 100 – 400 mm telephoto lenses. Very long focal length lenses are not needed.  We offer instruction in using our professional bird photography blind for our clients. Upon advance request, we can also provide advice on camera settings and photo composition.
From CAD $390 per vehicle with 1 – 4 persons. Maximum of 2 persons recommended.

Available Dates: April 21 – May 11

Dancing Grouse Photography Sessions and Viewing Tours during April and May

2025 Morning Dancing Grouse Photography and Viewing Tours
Available: April  21 – May 11
Advance Registration Required.
From: CAD $390 per vehicle with 1 – 4 persons.

2025 Evening Grouse Viewing Tours
Available April 1 – May 13
From: CAD $290 per vehicle with 1 – 4 persons

Self-Drive Tour
Note: Morning Tours are recommended over Evening Tours because you will be much closer to birds and they perform better.

Estimated Return Driving Distance for Morning Grouse Photography Tour: 30 km

Estimated Return Driving Distance for Morning or Evening Viewing Tour: 200 km

Where to Photograph Dancing Sharp-tailed Grouse?

Our special grouse photography sessions visit an excellent Sharp-tailed Grouse dancing ground (lek) on a private pasture very close to Saskatoon, Canada. You may take photos at distances as close as 1 meter from either your vehicle or from our professional photography blind.

Dancing Grouse Photography Tour Description

Join our experienced local birding guide for a 3 – 5 hour dancing grouse photography  / viewing tour. Because this group of Sharp-tailed Grouse dance very close to Saskatoon at sunrise, only a short 20 minute drive is needed from your Saskatoon airport area hotel to reach this early morning spectacle.

Many of the traditional indigenous dances were inspired by this incredibly energetic display of Saskatchewan’s provincial bird.

PHOTOGRAPHY BLIND OPTION . One person in your group  may choose to use our special professional bird photography blind (tent). This TRAGOPAN Hokki V3 blind is ideal for obtaining images of the dancing grouse at birds-eye level for a unique perspective of the early morning dance action.

Daily Limits: On each date, we limit the number of vehicles with people at the site on morning or evening tours to only 2 vehicles plus the leader’s vehicle at the back.

Bird Photography Blind

The blind has camera holes on 3 sides. It is best to use a short tripod or large bean bag for camera support.  Regular sized tripods do not work well. The blind’s low profile means the birds ignore you and there is minimal shadow cast by the blind.  We have added layers of cushioning to the bottom of the blind. You should bring a personal sleeping bag for warmth on cold mornings when the temperature is near the freezing point.
Click Here to view a review video about this bird photography blind.

View from inside blind
View from inside blind.


Due to your low vantage point from inside the blind, you will be able to photograph only those grouse that are relatively close to the blind. Some more distant birds may be partially hidden by clumps of taller grass or other vegetation.

If you have a family group of 1 – 4 persons, you may observe and photograph the early morning action at a distance of only about 10 – 30 meters from your high clearance vehicle parked at the lek in a rough pasture on private land near Saskatoon.  All grouse in the lek may be observed and photographed through the open windows on the left side of your vehicle.

Grouse on top of blind
Grouse atop blind

Alternatively, during evening viewing-only tours, your group may view grouse at a different lek from a distance of 100 – 300 meters using any type of personal vehicle parked at a roadside lek south of Saskatoon.  Your parked car serves as a bird blind for viewing the birds. The driving distance to this evening lek is about 1 hour.

Note: Smoking is prohibited during this dancing grouse photography tour.

Grouse Photography and Viewing Tour Times

  • Morning Photography Times
    April 16 – 30 Morning Dancing Grouse Photography Tour Approximate Time 4:00 AM – 8:30 AM
    May 1 – 5 Morning Dancing Grouse Photography Tour Approximate Time 3:45 AM – 7:45 AM
    May 6 – 13 Morning Dancing Grouse Photography Tour Approximate Time 3:30 AM – 7:30 AM
    (May morning tours will be possible only if cattle are not on pasture, which may not be known until April)
  • Evening Viewing Times
    April 1 – 30 Evening Dancing Grouse Viewing Tour Approximate Times: 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
    May 1 – 19 Evening Dancing Grouse Viewing Tour Approximate Times 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM
  • Morning grouse photography and viewing tours are recommended over evening tours because dancing sharp-tailed grouse are usually more active near sunrise than sunset.
  • Morning grouse photography tours are also recommended because you will be much closer to the birds.
  • April tours are recommended because dancing sharp-tailed grouse are usually more active in April  and early May than later in May.
  • You may follow the Dancing Grouse Bird Photography Tour with a Signs of Spring Tour where we will drive in search of bluebirds and other early arriving prairie birds for the balance of the morning.

Bad Weather Policy

Grouse will display on most mornings even if there is wind or rain in the forecast. The best displays with maximum number of birds occur on mornings with little wind and no rain.

On rare occasions, an unusually late heavy snowstorm may hinder the action. If the weather forecast predicts heavy snow for the morning of your reserved dancing grouse photography session, you will be given the option to reschedule your session at no extra charge and join another morning’s session to observe and photograph the birds from your vehicle.

Note the blind may not be available to you on this alternate date because another client may have booked it. If you wish to ensure access to our blind on a second morning, then you should book our 2-morning  or 3-morning Dancing Grouse Photography Blind options described below.

If you have any questions about this bad weather policy or are seeking advice, please email birdtours@sasktel.net or phone Stan Shadick at 306-652-5975.

Grouse Photography Session Options

  • 1-morning Photography  Tour from your vehicle.
    You and the other members of your party may sit inside your vehicle for the entire 3 – 5 hour session. You will photograph and observe the grouse through the open windows on the left side of your vehicle. The windows on the right side of your vehicle should be covered with dark towels so that the grouse do not see your silhouette moving inside the vehicle. Using towels, your vehicle becomes an effective blind.  You should keep conversations very quiet. Click here for a link to a wide-field video of the grouse dance taken from a private vehicle showing the birds dancing near a previous blind used in 2021.
  • 1-morning Photography Blind Option.
    A popular option is for one person in your group to use our Tragopan Hokki Version 3 photographic blind for photographing the sunrise performance of dancing grouse at a lek on a restricted-access private farm near Saskatoon.  Other members of your group may observe and photograph the action from your vehicle.
  • 2-morning and 3-morning Blind options.
    Many bird photographers who make a special trip to Saskatoon to photograph this dancing grouse spectacle prefer to book the 2-morning or 3-morning blind options. With these recommended options, they increase their chance of having ideal weather for some of their morning sessions. The best grouse action occurs on mornings with little wind and no rain. This option is also ideal if you are sharing the cost of the tour with another person so that each person may use the blind on 1 morning. If you book the 3-morning option, there is no charge if you wish to book a Signs of Spring Bird Tour Add-On on 1 of your afternoons.
  • 2-morning and 3-morning Blind / Vehicle combo options.
    This combination option permits you to use the blind for 1 morning to photograph nearby birds at eye-level and then use your own personal or rented vehicle as a blind on the additional mornings permitting you to view and photograph the action of all the birds at this lek (dancing ground). This option also increases the chance of having ideal weather for at least 1 of the mornings.
  • These tours are ideal for low mobility clients because they may observe the action while sitting in the left side of their vehicle.
  • Both novice and experienced birdwatchers and bird photographers are welcome to join this tour. A pair of binoculars is available for use during this tour upon request.


Participants on these grouse photography tours need to drive their own personal or rented vehicle. RVs and vehicles pulling trailers are not permitted on this tour. Owners of full electric vehicles should have sufficient range if their vehicle is charged up in Saskatoon. High clearance vehicles are recommended due to the drive across rough pasture.  If the ground is wet, you may need to drive through a short muddy stretch of trail.

Suggested items to Bring on your Dancing Grouse Photography Session / Viewing Tour:

  • Warm clothes suitable for the weather. Temperature may be near freezing at sunrise.
  • Sleeping Bag if using photographic blind.
  • 2 dark towels or sheets to cover the front and back windows on the right side of your vehicle if anyone plans to remain in vehicle during session
  • Water bottle
  • Binoculars
  • Camera (Experienced photographers tell us they obtain their best images with 100 – 300 mm focal length lenses.)
  • Large bean bag or very low tripod for camera, Camera openings in blind are about 10 inches above ground level. Regular sized tripods do not work well inside blind.
  • Spotting Scope (optional for evening viewing tours)

Dancing Grouse Photography / Viewing Tour Fee Options

Note: We do not charge per person fees. All fees represent the total fee for your party of 1 – 4 persons traveling in a single vehicle. You may wish to limit your party size to 1 or 2 persons because you can only view out the left side of the vehicle.

1 Morning Dancing Grouse Photography Tour from your Vehicle Fee: CAD $390 per vehicle (about US$285, £230) for party of 1 – 4 persons. Taxes included.
This dancing grouse photography session fee includes guiding services during early morning tour.  All persons in your party may view and photograph grouse from your vehicle.  Use of the blind is not included with this option. The person paying for the tour will receive a tax receipt for 50% of the fee. Client supplies their own transportation.
Meals, transportation and accommodation are NOT included.

1 Morning Dancing Grouse Photography Tour Blind Fee: CAD $490 per vehicle (about US$360, £290) for party of 1 – 4 persons. Taxes included.
This dancing grouse photography tour fee includes guiding services and private use of a photographic blind for 1 person only during this early morning tour.  Other persons in your party may view and photograph grouse from your vehicle. The person paying for the session will receive a tax receipt for 50% of the fee. Client supplies their own transportation.
Meals, transportation and accommodation are NOT included.

2 Morning Dancing Grouse Photography Tour Blind Fee: CAD $880 per vehicle (about US$650, £525) for party of 1 – 4 persons. Taxes included.
(SAVE $100 off regular 1-morning blind fees)

This dancing grouse photography tour fee includes guiding services and private use of a photographic blind for 1 person only during an early morning tour on 2 consecutive dates.  This option is recommended if you are wish to reserve 2 consecutive dates in our photographic blind in case weather is poor for photography on 1 of the mornings. This option is also ideal if you are sharing the cost of the tour with another person so that each person may use the blind on 1 morning. The person paying for the tours will receive a tax receipt for 50% of the fee. If desired, fee payment may be split between participants. Client supplies their own transportation.
Meals, transportation and accommodation are NOT included.

3 Morning Dancing Grouse Photography Tour Blind Fee: CAD $1170 per vehicle (about US$860, £695) for party of 1 – 4 persons. Taxes included.
(SAVE $300 off regular 1-morning blind fees)

This dancing grouse photography tour fee includes guiding services and private use of a photographic blind for 1 person only during an early morning tour on 3 consecutive dates.  This option is recommended if you wish to reserve 3 consecutive dates in our photographic blind in case weather is bad for photography on 1 or 2 of the mornings. This option is also ideal if you are sharing the cost of the tour with 1 or 2 other photographers so that each person may use the blind on at least 1 morning. The person paying for the tours will receive a tax receipt for 50% of the fee.  If desired, fee payment may be split between participants. Client supplies their own transportation.
Meals, transportation and accommodation are NOT included.

2 Morning Dancing Grouse Photography Tour Blind / Vehicle Fee: CAD $780 per vehicle (about US$570, £465) for party of 1 – 4 persons. Taxes included.
(SAVE $100 off regular 1-morning fees)

This dancing grouse photography tour fee includes guiding services and private use of a photographic blind for 1 person only during an early morning tour on 1 morning plus the option to photograph the grouse from your vehicle on a second morning.  This option is recommended if you wish to reserve 2 consecutive dates at our lek in case weather is poor for photography on 1 of the mornings.  The person paying for the tour will receive a tax receipt for 50% of the tour fee. If desired, fee payment may be split between participants. Client supplies their own transportation.
Meals, transportation and accommodation are NOT included.

3 Morning Dancing Grouse Photography Tour Blind / Vehicle Fee: CAD $970 per vehicle (about US$710, £575) for party of 1 – 4 persons. Taxes included.
(SAVE $300 off regular 1-morning fees)

This dancing grouse photography tour fee includes guiding services and private use of a photographic blind for 1 person only during an early morning tour on 1 morning plus the option to photograph the grouse from your vehicle on 2 other mornings.  This option is recommended if you wish to reserve 3 consecutive dates at our lek in case weather is poor for photography on 1 of the mornings. The person paying for the tour will receive a tax receipt for 50% of the tour fee. If desired, fee payment may be split between participants. Client supplies their own transportation.
Meals, transportation and accommodation are NOT included.

1 Morning Dancing Grouse Viewing Only Tour Fee: CAD $390 per vehicle (about US$285, £230) for party of 1 – 4 persons. Taxes included.
This dancing grouse viewing only tour fee includes guiding services.  You may use binoculars or a spotting scope to view the grouse at a distance of about 200 – 300 meters from your vehicle.  No option for photography. The person paying for the tour will receive a tax receipt for 50% of the tour fee. If desired, fee payment may be split between participants. Client supplies their own transportation.
Meals, transportation and accommodation are NOT included.

Evening Dancing Grouse Viewing Tour Fee: CAD $290 per vehicle (about US$210, £170) for party of 1 – 4 persons. Taxes included.
Private tour fee includes guiding services only during evening driving tour. Dancing birds will be observed from a public road located about a 1 hour drive from Saskatoon  No option for photography.  The person paying for the tour will receive a tax receipt for 50% of the tour fee. If desired, fee payment may be split between participants. Client supplies their own transportation. Meals, transportation and accommodation are NOT included.

Optional Add-On Tours

Signs of Spring Tour Fee: CAD $290 per vehicle (about US$210, £170) for party of 1 – 4 persons. Taxes included. (SAVE $50 if guide rides in your vehicle.)  This afternoon tour is free for participants booking the 3-morning tour option.
During the afternoon following one of- your sunrise Dancing Grouse Photography Tours, your guide will lead you on a Signs of Spring Birding tour for the balance of the morning.  If requested in advance, we can arrange for professional photographer Boyd Coburn to join you in your vehicle. The person paying for this tour will receive a tax receipt for 50% of the tour fee. Client supplies their own transportation.
Meals, transportation and accommodation are NOT included.

Prince Albert National Park 2-day Photography Tour Add-On Fee: $890
On the last day of your grouse photography tour, we will depart your hotel about 11 am and drive up to search for birds to photograph in the boreal forest at Prince Albert National Park. We might find Canada Jays, up to 5 species of woodpeckers and possibly Ruffed and Spruce Grouse. The park is located about 230 km north of Saskatoon in the northern boreal forest.  You will provide transportation for the leader in your personal or rented non-smoking vehicle. We will stay overnight at Hawood Inn and explore the park after our arrival and during the following morning. We then return to Saskatoon about 6 pm.  The fee covers leadership only. In addition to this fee, you will need to pay for the accommodation, transportation and meals for the leader and members of your party.

Tax ReceiptsTAX RECEIPT: A tax receipt for 50% of the tour fees will be issued to the person paying for the tour.

CANCELLATION POLICY: Refunds less a $50 administration fee will be given if cancellation notice received 60 days before date of tour.
No refunds if cancellation notice received less than 60 days before date of tour unless another client takes your place on the date of your tour.

All proceeds support the work of Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation registered charity in caring for injured and orphaned birds and small mammals.

RESERVATIONS: Submit the form below or send us your full name(s), mailing address, email address with requested tour dates.

E-mail: birdtours@sasktel.net
Phone: 306-652-5975
Address: 100 Rayner Avenue, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 2P8

Payment may be made by e-transfer payable to Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation and e-mailed to LSWR@sasktel.net.

Cheques may be mailed to above mailing address.

2024 Tour Reservation Request Form

Use Landline if you don’t have a cell phone.
Address needed for the tax receipt.
Payment instructions will be emailed to you.
2024 Morning Photo Tour available dates: April 23 – May 11. Evening Viewing Tours: April 1 – May 13
Suggested dates are April 15 – May 8. Late April is best.
This Signs of Spring Tour option is free to participants who book the 3-morning Dancing Grouse Photography and Viewing Tour option.
Only 1 person may use blind.
No Smoking during grouse tour.
Indicate if you wish to be added to a waiting list for Morning Tours on other April dates.

If you do not hear back from us within 24 hours, then please email: birdtours@sasktel.net or phone 306-652-5975.

Click here to listen to a description of what you will hear and see.

Monthly Newsletter

Learn about special offers and new tours.
CLICK HERE to sign up for the monthly electronic Newsletter from Saskatoon Custom Bird Tours.

Grouse Photography Tour
Sharp-tailed Grouse Portrait
by Nick Saunders

Click to view this video about our Dancing Grouse Photography Tour.

Can I get help with my camera settings and/or photo composition?

Yes. You may request Boyd Coburn, professional wildlife photographer, to sit in your vehicle during your sunrise grouse photography tour and offer his tips to you concerning camera settings and photo composition. There is no additional charge for this service but you must request it in advance.

Can I bring my dog?

Pets are not permitted on this dancing grouse photography tour.

Is smoking permitted?

Smoking is not permitted during this photography tour.

Gift Certificates Available Now

This dancing grouse photography tour makes an excellent birthday gift, mother’s day gift, anniversary gift, graduation gift, retirement gift or special gift for a birder, birdwatcher or anyone interested in nature.

GIFT CERTIFICATES: Click here for information about purchasing a gift certificate for this grouse photography tour or any of our other tours.

Bird Tours Gift Certificate
CLICK PICTURE for details.
Sharp-tailed Grouse jumping
by Nick Saunders


Tragopan Hokki Version 3 Blind
Low Profile Hokki V3 Blind

Testimonials about Dancing Grouse Photography Sessions

This is amazing. They are beautiful” C.P.  April 14, 2021.

Thank you for one of the most memorable experiences I shall remember forever.  I am very grateful for this opportunity and appreciate that you went above and beyond by giving me the opportunity to be in the middle of the activity in the blind. ” B.H. April 15, 2021.

This is so fun!!”  J.Z. April 17, 2021.

Just have to say I had one of the most phenomenal Sask-natural experiences this morning watching over 20 male & 6 female Sharp-tailed grouse dance on their dancing ground. We joined the birds at 5 am and stayed until the last ones left about 8:30 am.
I’m a fan that the Sharp-tailed Grouse is our provincial bird and I understand that they and their dance has a special place in some First Nations cultures.

I want to thank Stan Shadick for this great tour through Saskatoon Custom Bird Tours and of course the fee went to help Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation – a super organization! I was very happy to help out with a contribution.” D.F. April 20, 2021.

This morning is fantastic J.D. April 28, 2022

Thank you! It was so great to see these famous birds this morning!!! C.G. May 1, 2022.

Thank you again for a really magical weekend.  It was a privilege to photograph these birds in their home. P.N. April 17, 2023

This has been an amazing experience. M.P. May 1, 2023


Previous Client Images

Here are a few images captured by grouse photography clients Paul Nicholas, Boyd Coburn, Brian Henderson,  Jim Lee and Lynda Corkum from inside our tent / blind during our private 2021, 2022 and 2023 Dancing Grouse Photography Sessions.

Grouse Photography Close-up by Paul Nicholas
Close-up by Paul Nicholas
Dancing Grouse by Hope Bilinski
Sharp-tailed Grouse by Boyd Coburn
Sharp-tailed Grouse Close-up
by Brian Henderson
Male Sharp-tailed Grouse
by Lynda Corkum
How one grouse appears to his opponent
by Brian Henderson
Male Sharp-tailed Grouse
by Jim Lee
Grouse fighting
by Brian Henderson
2 Sharp-tailed Grouse by Boyd Coburn

Covid Safety Policy on Photography Sessions / Viewing Tours

  1. Your tour leader is fully vaccinated.
  2. Clients must normally drive themselves in their own personal or rented vehicle. The leader will normally drive in a separate vehicle. We will use cell phones to communicate between each other during the session.
  3. This policy may change when public health orders change or when Covid case numbers decrease.
  4. Please contact us before booking tour if you have any special requests with regard to this policy. In certain cases if requested, leader may be willing to ride in client’s vehicle.

Bird Photography Tours

Other Birding Tours

This dancing grouse photography tour may be taken along with any of the following tours and workshops.


Signs of Spring Tours
CLICK PICTURE for details.
Radisson Lake Birding Tour
CLICK PICTURE for details.


Multiple Tours Discount

Can’t decide which tour to take?

Check out our multiple tours discount described here.

How to get to Saskatoon

Air: Saskatoon International Airport (YXE) is served by Air Canada, Westjet, Flair, Porter and their U.S. partners United and Delta.

Air Canada Star Alliance partners also include Aegean, Air China, Air India, Air New Zealand, ANA, Asiana, Austrian, Avianca, Brussels, Copa, Croatia, EgyptAir, Ethiopian, EVA, Lot, Lufthansa, SAS, Shenzhen, Singapore, South African, Swiss, TAP, Thai, Turkish, United.

Westjet international partners include AeroMexico, Air France, Air Transat, Azores, Cathay Pacific, China, China Eastern, China Southern, Delta, Emirates, Hainan, Hong Kong, Japan, KLM, Korean, LATAM, Philippine, Quantas, Virgin Atlantic, Xiamen.

Nonstop flights from Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Montreal, Kelowna, Minneapolis, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Orlando.

Train: Saskatoon’s  Train Station is served by Via Rail’s Canadian train serving Toronto, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Vancouver.

Bus: Saskatoon – Edmonton and Saskatoon – Regina bus service

Car: Saskatoon is located on Canada’s Yellowhead cross-country highway plus 6 other major highways connecting with all cities in Canada and USA. If you drive, you do not need to rent a car for our tours.


Do you want a better pair of binoculars for birdwatching?

Great for viewing distant birds.

CLICK HERE for information about the
Kite Optics 16X42 Image Stabilized Binoculars


Stan Shadick – Tour Leader for Dancing Grouse Photography Tour

DANCING GROUSE PHOTOGRAPHY TOUR GUIDE: Your guide has many years of experience finding and observing birds throughout Saskatchewan. For over 30 years, Stan Shadick has been a birding guide for nature tours and bird photography tours around Saskatchewan and other parts of the country that have been organized by Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation, Nature Saskatchewan and the University of Saskatchewan Extension Division.

Stan is a past president of Nature Saskatchewan as well as a past president and current field trip chairman for the Saskatoon Nature Society. He is a co-editor of the reference publication “Birds of the Saskatoon Area” and contributed significantly to the recently published “Birds of Saskatchewan”.

Stan regularly contributes sightings to e-bird and currently holds the e-bird record for the most bird species seen in Saskatchewan.

Boyd Coburn
Boyd Coburn – Bird Photography Workshop Instructor

Boyd Coburn has over 30 years experience as a wildlife photographer in Saskatchewan. He is knowledgeable about operating cameras and processing and editing images. He claims he is always learning new techniques for imaging and post processing.

Boyd has a keen eye to find wildlife and the patience required to wait for the best opportunities for photography. He is passionate about being ethical when interacting with wildlife and their natural environment. He enjoys nature and is always looking for those uncommon birds and mammals that we don’t often see.

His approach to bird photography: “It is not always about getting the shot though, sometimes you miss the shot but get a spectacular experience.”

CLICK HERE to see some of Boyd Coburn’s  images.