LSWR is run by dedicated volunteers and grant-funded students during the busy summer months when we are run off our feet caring for animals. We are always looking for folks interested in working with the animals or willing to assist with cage building, administration, and the other activities associated with running a wildlife rehabilitation facility.
As we grow, our “busy season” is expanding, and now tends to run from April to the end of October, when most of the migrating birds have finally passed through heading south for the winter. Some animals must be kept through the winter and are released the following spring, so there is always some daily animal care to do, even in the colder months. Winter volunteers come in the evening to clean, feed, and medicate the animals that are stuck with us for the winter.
In summer, when staff are working from 7 am to 11 pm, volunteers use an on-line sign up system and can come as often as they like. We can always use helpful hands in the summer to assist in feeding, cleaning, and transporting animals.

Table of Contents



Handy Help


We cannot do this work without volunteers – in summer, baby birds are fed every 20 minutes; ducklings have to be swum and cleaned 4 times a day; infant mammals require bottle feeding every 4 hours. The work is incredibly rewarding, but also exceedingly demanding. Summer animal care is provided from 7 am until 11 pm in addition to answering inquiries from the public, while also triaging and assessing incoming animals for illness, injury, or other needs.
All animal-care volunteers must attend an on-line orientation and complete their paperwork before attending their first shift. All volunteers are under supervision of a trained volunteer or staff member until they are comfortable with the tasks, and have demonstrated proficiency. Safety, both yours and that of the animals, is of paramount importance to us.
If you wish to volunteer, please email and send us your contact information along with the type(s) of volunteering you wish to do. Thank you for your help.