Table of Contents
Flight Crew Members:
Individuals who are willing to look for and respond to birds that have been injured from flying into glass (windows, balconies, buildings). This is primarily a Spring through Fall activity, with fewer birds around in winter resulting in less collisions.
Job description:
As Flight Crew Members, you look for injured birds during your daily routine. If you have time, you might check high risk locations (e.g., River Landing).
If you find an injured bird, we make sure you have the supplies on hand to respond. You place the bird into a paper bag or small box with a towel on the bottom, keeping the container in a quiet dark place. You then either bring the bird to LSWR or you contact LSWR and request a volunteer to pick up the bird.
LSWR is a registered charity run primarily by volunteers. We take in over 2000 animals each year.
Why join!?
- Because you CARE!
- To Help the Birds and give them a second chance.
- As a Volunteer with LSWR you have the opportunity to meet some of the birds and animals at the Centre while helping care for them.
- Learn how to report bird collisions using the LSWR reporting form and/or the Global Bird Mapper.
- Be part of a release and feel the joy of watching them fly away to freedom.
How to Join:
Send us an email at LSWR@sasktel.net with “Flight Crew” in the title, and we will sign you up! We will arrange to get you any needed supplies and we’ll sit down with you to map out what area of the city you might be covering in your daily routine.
Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation
100 Rayner Avenue.
Saskatoon, SK S7N 2P8
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LivingSkyWildlifeRehabilitation
Click here for brochure.