Chaplin Lake Shorebird Day Tour 2024

Chaplin Town Chaplin, Saskatchewan, Canada

Conservation measures to protect Piping Plovers include Nature Saskatchewan’s Plovers on Shore program.

Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park Birdwatching Tour

Forestry Farm Park Forestry Farm Park Dr,, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

During spring and summer months from April through August over 100 species have been found at Forestry Farm Park. Some birds of interest include: Merlin, Spotted Sandpiper, Downy Woodpecker, Eastern Kingbird, Warbling Vireo, Black-billed Magpie, House Wren, Gray Catbird, Brown Thrasher, Clay-colored, Chipping and Song Sparrow,, Yellow Warbler and Common Yellowthroat. Additional migrating warblers may be seen in late May and late August / early September.


Van Scoy Lakes Birding Tour – 2024

Shoppers Drug Mart parking lot 2410 22 St W #20, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

During the months of May, July and August, we could find a variety of migrating arctic-nesting shorebirds visiting Van Scoy Lakes including Least, Semipalmated, Baird’s, Pectoral, Solitary and Stilt Sandpipers, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs plus Black-bellied and Semipalmated Plovers and dowitchers. Rare nesting Black-necked Stilts and Sandhill Cranes are sometimes found.

Chaplin Lake Shorebird Day Tour 2024

Chaplin Town Chaplin, Saskatchewan, Canada

Conservation measures to protect Piping Plovers include Nature Saskatchewan’s Plovers on Shore program.